We Asked For Your 2024 Money Resolutions

These are our tips and the resources you need to nail those new year's money resolutions

A belated Happy New Year from team MoneyFitt!

Now is the time of year when many of us have set (and hopefully still sticking to) goals for the year!

Just before the New Year, we asked our community to submit their financial resolutions. Below, you can see a glimpse of what was submitted. These can give you some insight into what others are aiming to achieve, or use them as inspiration if you don’t have any money goals set yourself.

"The only wealth which you will keep forever is the wealth you have given away." - Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor, noted Stoic philosopher.

An honourable resolution!

If you want to help a charity but struggle to save money, there are always non-monetary ways of donating, which you learn more about here.

“I want to increase my savings so I can travel more”

Increased total savings can come as a result of either spending less or earning more. It’s likely easier to spend less, and for that, we recommend starting with learning budgeting basics and using our budgeting calculator.

“Study other ways of earning money”

This could come in a number of ways:

“Be consistent in tracking my expenses”

Inconsistency happens to the best of us! It’s important not to overcomplicate things, so be familiar with our top tips for expense tracking.

“I want to have an emergency fund”

You can also discover how much to contribute towards your emergency fund each month with the actionable guidance on the MoneyFitt app for free today.

“Pay off debt and stop being everyone’s emergency fund”

Being in debt and being other people’s emergency fund can be a damaging combination.

  1. Study the budgeting content given above and learn which method of paying off debt is best for you.

  2. Learn the correct way to say no to friends and family who keep asking for money.

“Retire early”

It would be awesome to be able to afford that! For anyone wishing how to do so, we have one simple money hack that can help you retire years earlier.

Let 2024 be the year you master money management with MoneyFitt, available for free on iOS and Android today.

Also by MoneyFitt:

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